Dundee Satellite Station Ltd

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Latest weather satellite image from NOAA-15 overhead at 2024/07/27 09:03 UTC
Pass is south bound, equator crossing (ascending node) at 197.398 degrees West on orbit number 136317, transferred from file 106

RGB false-colour composite
Infra-Red (CH4)
Visible (CH2)

Latest false-colour image (AVHRR channels 1, 2, and 4)

Latest false-colour image (RGB)

Latest Infra-Red image (AVHRR channel 4, radiated heat)

Latest infra-red image (CH4)

Latest visible image (AVHRR channel 2, reflected sun light)

Latest visible image (CH2)
Last updated Sat Jul 27 10:11:39 BST 2024
(c) 2024 Dundee Satellite Station Ltd, all rights reserved.